Private Consulting

Kinesiology Consultation

We take a comprehensive history of your life and the events that have resulted in your symptoms. This could involve a recent stress or an event as far back as childhood.

We start by identifying your defense patterns, for example your fight or flight response, and use many modalities to retrain the nervous system to come out of that response.

  • A deep and thorough understanding of your issues

  • Over 35+ years of experience to get to the cause of the problem and help resolve it

  • Your consultation increases your recuperation/healing energy so that you feel a whole lot better. Increased energy, better sleep, hormonal balance, less anxiety, better digestion, improved immunity, and a better quality of life.

Lyndy has 35+ years experience in complementary and allopathic medicine and draws on her experience as a highly trained nurse, kinesiologist, neuro-trainer, naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist and homeopath.

Lyndy is a qualified and registered specialist with registered bodies including:

Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA)

Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)

Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA)

Cert IV Workplace Training

Formerly the Director of the College of Neuro-training Richmond Campus, Lyndy taught Certificate IV and Diploma of Kinesiology and Neuro-training. Lyndy also taught Division I and II nursing and was a clinical instructor and lecturer at TAFE and Monash University.

For an Inquiry Call:

A New You

The result for you is a complete analysis and assessment of your health, mental, emotional and physical. A session with Lyndy will leave you feeling renewed, with the knowledge and feeling of confidence that someone understands your issues and that you are on the path to finding long term solutions for your health & wellbeing.


Lyndy Saltmarsh

Our goal is to help you live a better life, to be well in all ways, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Contact Us

+61 421 607 948

140 Church Street, suite 32 Richmond VIC 3121

31 Ian Rd, Mount Martha VIC 3934


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